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Kinnaur District.
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India >>
Himachal Pradesh
Head Quarters : Reckong Peo
Language : Hindi
Area: 6401 sq. km
Population : 84298
Sex Ratio : 818
Density : 13/ sq. km
Literacy : 80.77
Elevation / Altitude: 2086 - meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 12:16 AM
Date: Thursday , Oct 10,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 172XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: HP-25,HP-26,HP-27
RTO Office: Kalpa,Nichar (Bhaba Nagar),Pooh
Language : Hindi
Area: 6401 sq. km
Population : 84298
Sex Ratio : 818
Density : 13/ sq. km
Literacy : 80.77
Elevation / Altitude: 2086 - meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 12:16 AM
Date: Thursday , Oct 10,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 172XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: HP-25,HP-26,HP-27
RTO Office: Kalpa,Nichar (Bhaba Nagar),Pooh
Kinnaur District Map
LOADING Kinnaur District MAP with Borders and Tehsils ......
Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Kinnaur District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Kinnaur Live Weather
Temperature: 7.3 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 77%
Wind : 1.79 mt/sec towards SW
StationName : "SarÄ\u0081han"
observed on 17 Mins Back
Temperature: 7.3 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 77%
Wind : 1.79 mt/sec towards SW
StationName : "SarÄ\u0081han"
observed on 17 Mins Back
Kinnaur Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
6.3°C to 6.8°C
clear sky
6.3°C to 6.8°C
clear sky
5.4°C to 12.2°C
clear sky, light rain
5.4°C to 12.2°C
clear sky, light rain
5.0°C to 14.6°C
clear sky
5.0°C to 14.6°C
clear sky
6.1°C to 15.4°C
clear sky
6.1°C to 15.4°C
clear sky
5.7°C to 15.0°C
clear sky
5.7°C to 15.0°C
clear sky
Temples in Kinnaur
About Kinnaur District
Kinnaur District is one among 12 Districts of Himachal Pradesh State ,India. Kinnaur District Administrative head quarter is Reckong Peo. It is is Located 134 KM west towards State capital Shimla . Kinnaur District population is 84298. It is 10 th Largest District in the State by population.Geography and Climate Kinnaur District
It is Located at Latitude-31.5, Longitude-78.2. Kinnaur District is sharing border with Uttar Kashi District to the South . It is sharing Border with Uttarakhand State to the South . Kinnaur District occupies an area of approximately 6401 square kilometres. . Its in the 2086 meters to meters elevation range.This District belongs to Hindi Belt India .DemoGraphics of Kinnaur District
Hindi is the Local Language here. Kinnaur District is divided into 4 Tehsils , 65 Panchayats , 652 Villages. Pooh Tehsil is the Smallest Tehsil by population with 7898 population. Nichar Tehsil is the Biggest Tehsil by population with 26630 population.Census 2011 of Kinnaur District
Kinnaur district Total population is 84298 according to census 2011.Males are 46369 and Females are 37929 .Literate people are 55772 among total.Its total area is 6401 sq.km. It is the 10 th largest district in the state by Population . But 3 rd Largest District in the state By Area. 602 nd Largest District in the Country By Population. 7 th highest District in the State By literacy rate. 153 rd highest District in the Country By literacy rate.its literacy Rate is 80.77Politics in Kinnaur District
BJP , INC are the major political parties in Kinnaur District.Assembly constituencies in Kinnaur District
Total 1 Assembly constituencies in Kinnaur District.Constituency name | MLA name | Party |
Kinnaur | Jagat Singh Negi | INC |
Parliament constituencies in Kinnaur District
Total 1 Parliament constituencies in Kinnaur District.Constituency name | MP name | Party |
Mandi | RAM SWAROOP SHARMA | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Kinnaur District Political Map
Kinnaur Commerce
Total Registered Comapnies with Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in Kinnaur are 50Company Name : HIMACHAL BASPA POWER COMPANY LIMITED
Type Of Business : Electricity, Gas & Water companies
Capital : 1250.05 Crores
Type Of Business : Electricity, Gas & Water companies
Capital : 60.0 Crores
Type Of Business : Electricity, Gas & Water companies
Capital : 9.305 Crores
Type Of Business : Construction
Capital : 25.0 Lakhs
More Kinnaur Registered Companies
Kinnaur District Tourism
This district consist of hill Stations and and Tourist destination.Its famous for hill tourism ,very cool and chilled weather with greenery.kalpa , Kinnaur , Spiti , Bhimkali temple , Chanadika Devi Temple , Sangla Valley , Sangla valley , Satluj valley , Shiasu valley , Key Gompa , Saskyagongmig Gompa , Dhankar Gomp , are the Tourist destinations to Visit.
Kinnaur Transport
Road Transport
District Headquarters Reckong Peo is well connected by road . Reckong Peo is about 134 KM by road to Shimla( Capital of Himachal Pradesh )Rail Transport
Bus Transport
Himachal Pradesh State Road Transportation ( HRTC) runs Busses from Major cities to Towns and Villages in this District.
Pin Codes in Kinnaur District
( Katgaon ) ,
( Pooh ) ,
( Speelo ) ,
( Nichar ) ,
( Bhaba Nagar ) ,
( Karcham ) ,
( Liyo ) ,
( Reckong Peo ) ,
( Sangla ) ,
( Tapri ) ,
( Ribba ) ,
( Moorang ) ,
( Kalpa ) ,
more PinCodes
Hotels in Kinnaur
Monal Regency
Sangla, Kinnaur Sangla - 172106, India
Contact No: 01786 - 242922
Price Range : Rs. 800 - Rs. 800
Sambala Hotel
Rekong Peo Area, Upper Dharamshala Kinnaur - 172108, India
Himachal Pradesh
Contact No: 01786 - 223077
Price Range : Rs. 600 - Rs. 800
Blue Lotus
Kalpa, Upper Dharamshala Kinnaur - 172108, India
Himachal Pradesh
Contact No: 01786 - 226001
Price Range : Rs. 800 - Rs. 1000
Kinnaur Villa Kalpa
Village & P.O.: Kalpa District, Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh. INDIA.
Himachal Pradesh
Contact No: 01786-226006, 91 9418036006, +91 9816494215
Website: http://kinnervilla.com/index.htm
Email: kinnervilla@rediffmail.com
Price Range : Rs. 1200 - Rs. 1500
BusStops in Kinnaur Lakes in Kinnaur Temples in Kinnaur Shops in Kinnaur Kinnaur Hospitals Hotel/Restaurants in Kinnaur Kinnaur RailwayStations Kinnaur BusStops ATM in Kinnaur
Near Cities
Shimla 129 KM near
Mussoorie 137 KM near
Mandi 142 KM near
Tehri 146 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Simla Airport 130 KM near
Bhuntar Airport 135 KM near
Dehra Dun Airport 154 KM near
Chandigarh Airport 190 KM near
Near By Districts
Kinnaur 0 KM near
Uttar Kashi 102 KM near
Shimla 129 KM near
Kullu 133 KM near