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Anjaw District.
Currently In:
India >>
Arunachal Pradesh
Head Quarters : Hawai,
Language : English
Area: 3234 sq. km
Population : 21089
Sex Ratio : 805
Density : 3/ sq. km
Literacy : 59.4
Elevation / Altitude: - meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 01:11 PM
Date: Tuesday , Dec 03,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index:
Vehicle Registration Number:
RTO Office:
Language : English
Area: 3234 sq. km
Population : 21089
Sex Ratio : 805
Density : 3/ sq. km
Literacy : 59.4
Elevation / Altitude: - meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 01:11 PM
Date: Tuesday , Dec 03,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index:
Vehicle Registration Number:
RTO Office:
Tourist Places near Anjaw
Tezu(Parasuramkunda) Mayudia Namdhapa (Namdapha National Park) Roing Daying Ering Wildlife Sanctuary Pasighat
Tezu(Parasuramkunda) Mayudia Namdhapa (Namdapha National Park) Roing Daying Ering Wildlife Sanctuary Pasighat
Anjaw District Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Anjaw District
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Temples in Anjaw
About Anjaw District
Anjaw District is one among 16 Districts of Arunachal Pradesh State ,India. Anjaw District Administrative head quarter is Hawai,. It is is Located 418 KM west towards State capital Itanagar . Anjaw District population is 21089. It is 15 th Largest District in the State by population.Geography and Climate Anjaw District
It is Located at Latitude-28.3, Longitude-97.0. Anjaw District is sharing border with Lohit District to the west . Anjaw District occupies an area of approximately 3234 square kilometres. . Its in the meters to meters elevation range.This District belongs to Eastern India .DemoGraphics of Anjaw District
English is the Local Language here. Anjaw District is divided into 5 Tehsils , 33 Panchayats , 42 Villages. Hawai-Walong Tehsil is the Smallest Tehsil by population with 1279 population. Hayuliang Tehsil is the Biggest Tehsil by population with 5202 population.Census 2011 of Anjaw District
Anjaw district Total population is 21089 according to census 2011.Males are 11684 and Females are 9405 .Literate people are 13952 among total.Its total area is 3234 sq.km. It is the 15 th largest district in the state by Population . But 9 th Largest District in the state By Area. 618 th Largest District in the Country By Population. 14 th highest District in the State By literacy rate. 569 th highest District in the Country By literacy rate.its literacy Rate is 59.4Politics in Anjaw District
N.A , Independent , Bharatiya Janata Party , NCP , Independent , INC are the major political parties in Anjaw District.Assembly constituencies in Anjaw District
Total 3 Assembly constituencies in Anjaw District.Constituency name | MLA name | Party |
Tezu | Karikho Kri | Independent |
Hayuliang | DASANGLU PUL | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Chowkham | CHOWNA MEIN | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Parliament constituencies in Anjaw District
Anjaw District Political Map
Anjaw Commerce
Total Registered Comapnies with Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in Anjaw areMore Anjaw Registered Companies
Anjaw District Tourism
Anjaw , are the Tourist destinations to Visit.
Anjaw Transport
Road Transport
District Headquarters Hawai, is well connected by road . Hawai, is about 418 KM by road to Itanagar( Capital of Arunachal Pradesh )Rail Transport
Bus Transport
Arunachal pradesh state transport services ( APSTS) runs Busses from Major cities to Towns and Villages in this District.
Hotels in Anjaw
BusStops in Anjaw Lakes in Anjaw Temples in Anjaw Shops in Anjaw Anjaw Hospitals Hotel/Restaurants in Anjaw Anjaw RailwayStations Anjaw BusStops ATM in Anjaw
Near Cities
Pasighat 189 KM near
Digboi 198 KM near
Margherita 201 KM near
Tinsukia 213 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Chabua Airport 246 KM near
Lilabari Airport 350 KM near
Rowriah Airport 374 KM near
Dimapur Airport 475 KM near
Near By Districts
Anjaw 0 KM near
Lohit 109 KM near
Lower Dibang Valley 132 KM near
Dibang Valley 132 KM near