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Hanumangarh District Population
Hanumangarh District Total population is 1774692. Rural Population is 1424228 and Urban population is 350464. Hanumangarh District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1424228 | 746887 | 677341 |
Urban | 350464 | 184297 | 166167 |
Total | 1774692 | 931184 | 843508 |
List of sub districts in Hanumangarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sangaria | 159143 | 30730 |
Tibi | 165217 | 31401 |
Hanumangarh | 424619 | 81528 |
Pilibanga | 215715 | 41133 |
Rawatsar | 205093 | 37254 |
Nohar | 314587 | 58531 |
Bhadra | 290318 | 55615 |