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Ganganagar District Population
Ganganagar District Total population is 1969168. Rural Population is 1433736 and Urban population is 535432. Ganganagar District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1433736 | 758269 | 675467 |
Urban | 535432 | 285071 | 250361 |
Total | 1969168 | 1043340 | 925828 |
List of sub districts in Ganganagar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Karanpur | 146878 | 29957 |
Ganganagar | 481640 | 97958 |
Sadulshahar | 158473 | 30603 |
Padampur | 162718 | 31719 |
Raisinghnagar | 196455 | 37854 |
Anupgarh | 184423 | 36488 |
Gharsana | 171830 | 34350 |
Vijainagar | 145770 | 28721 |
Suratgarh | 320981 | 59861 |