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Sonbhadra District.
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India >>
Uttar Pradesh
Division : Mirzapur
Head Quarters : Robertsganj
Language : Hindi and Urdu
Area: 6788 sq. km
Population : 1862612
Sex Ratio : 913
Density : 274/ sq. km
Literacy : 66.18
Elevation / Altitude: 318 - 194 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 12:20 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 06,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 231XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: UP-64
RTO Office: Sonbhadra
Head Quarters : Robertsganj
Language : Hindi and Urdu
Area: 6788 sq. km
Population : 1862612
Sex Ratio : 913
Density : 274/ sq. km
Literacy : 66.18
Elevation / Altitude: 318 - 194 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 12:20 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 06,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 231XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: UP-64
RTO Office: Sonbhadra
Tourist Places near Sonbhadra
Varanasi (Benares) Sarnath (Mrigadava) Vindhyachal Rohtasgarh Fort Sasaram Jaunpur
Varanasi (Benares) Sarnath (Mrigadava) Vindhyachal Rohtasgarh Fort Sasaram Jaunpur
Sonbhadra District Map
LOADING Sonbhadra District MAP with Borders and Blocks ......
Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Sonbhadra District
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Temples in Sonbhadra
About Sonbhadra District
Sonbhadra District is one among 71 Districts of Uttar Pradesh State ,India. Sonbhadra District Administrative head quarter is Robertsganj. It is is Located 375 KM North towards State capital Lucknow . Sonbhadra District population is 1862612. It is 50 th Largest District in the State by population.Geography and Climate Sonbhadra District
It is Located at Latitude-24.6, Longitude-83.0. Sonbhadra District is sharing border with Surguja District to the South , Garhwa District to the East , Singrauli District to the South , Chandauli District to the North , Mirzapur District to the North . It is sharing Border with Chattisgarh State to the South , Jharkhand State to the East , Madhya Pradesh State to the west . Sonbhadra District occupies an area of approximately 6788 square kilometres. . Its in the 318 meters to 194 meters elevation range.This District belongs to Hindi Belt India .DemoGraphics of Sonbhadra District
Hindi is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks Urdu . Sonbhadra District is divided into 10 Blocks , Panchayats , 2023 Villages.Census 2011 of Sonbhadra District
Sonbhadra district Total population is 1862612 according to census 2011.Males are 973660 and Females are 888952 .Literate people are 1232304 among total.Its total area is 6788 sq.km. It is the 50 th largest district in the state by Population . But 3 rd Largest District in the state By Area. 253 rd Largest District in the Country By Population. 50 th highest District in the State By literacy rate. 468 th highest District in the Country By literacy rate.its literacy Rate is 66.18Politics in Sonbhadra District
BJP , SP , BSP , INC are the major political parties in Sonbhadra District.Assembly constituencies in Sonbhadra District
Total 5 Assembly constituencies in Sonbhadra District.Constituency name | MLA name | Party |
Marihan | Rama Shankar Singh | INC |
Ghorawal | Dr. Anil Kumar Maurya | SP |
Robertsganj | Bhupesh Chaubey | SP |
Obra | Sanjeev Kumar | BSP |
Duddhi | Ramdular | IND |
Parliament constituencies in Sonbhadra District
Total 2 Parliament constituencies in Sonbhadra District.Constituency name | MP name | Party |
Mirzapur | Anupriya Singh Patel | Apna Dal (Soneylal) |
Robertsganj | PAKAURI LAL KOL | Apna Dal (Soneylal) |
Sonbhadra District Political Map
Sonbhadra Commerce
Total Registered Comapnies with Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in Sonbhadra are 151Company Name : K N INTERNATIONAL LIMITED
Type Of Business : Construction
Capital : 18.3827 Crores
Type Of Business : Manufacturing (Food stuffs)
Capital : 11.975 Crores
Type Of Business : Finance
Capital : 9.9025 Crores
Type Of Business : Finance
Capital : 9.25 Crores
More Sonbhadra Registered Companies
Sonbhadra District Tourism
Sonbhadra Transport
Road Transport
District Headquarters Robertsganj is well connected by road . Kota , Obra , Renukoot , Robertsganj , Shahganj are the Cities in this district having road connectivity to major towns and remote villages. Robertsganj is about 375 KM by road to Lucknow( Capital of Uttar Pradesh )Rail Transport
Some of the rail way stations in district are Chopan , Renukut , Roberts Ganj , Churk , Obra Dam , Duddhinagar , Agori Khas , Billi Junction .... which connects most of the towns and villages in the District.Bus Transport
Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport ( UPSRTC) runs Busses from Major cities to Towns and Villages in this District.
Pin Codes in Sonbhadra District
( Ghorawal ) ,
( Amwar ) ,
( Renusagar ) ,
( Turra ) ,
( Beena Project ) ,
( Chopan ) ,
( Dudhi ) ,
( Anpara Tps ) ,
( Churk ) ,
( Dalla ) ,
( Obra Thermal ) ,
( Shaktinagar Thermal Power Stat ) ,
( Rajpur (Sonbhadra)) ,
( Robertsganj ) ,
( Beej Pur ) ,
( Renukoot ) ,
( Gurma Markundi ) ,
( Ram Garh ) ,
( Sherwan) ,
more PinCodes
Hotels in Sonbhadra
Near Cities
Robertsganj 1 KM near
Shahganj 14 KM near
Kota 29 KM near
Obra 33 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Varanasi Airport 98 KM near
Bamrauli Airport 177 KM near
Gaya Airport 212 KM near
Patna Airport 254 KM near
Near By Districts
Sonbhadra 0 KM near
Kaimur (Bhabua) 71 KM near
Chandauli 75 KM near
Singrauli 75 KM near