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Rajgarh District.
Currently In:
India >>
Madhya Pradesh
Division : Bhopal
Head Quarters : Rajgarh
Language : Hindi
Area: 6154 sq. km
Population : 1546541
Sex Ratio : 955
Density : 251/ sq. km
Literacy : 62.68
Elevation / Altitude: 434 - 418 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 09:58 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 465XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: MP-39
RTO Office: Rajgarh
Head Quarters : Rajgarh
Language : Hindi
Area: 6154 sq. km
Population : 1546541
Sex Ratio : 955
Density : 251/ sq. km
Literacy : 62.68
Elevation / Altitude: 434 - 418 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 09:58 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 465XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: MP-39
RTO Office: Rajgarh
Rajgarh District Map
LOADING Rajgarh District MAP with Borders and Tehsils ......
Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Rajgarh District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Rajgarh Live Weather
Temperature: 15.0 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 30%
Wind : 3.19 mt/sec towards N
StationName : "RĂ„\u0081jgarh"
observed on 0 Mins Back
Temperature: 15.0 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 30%
Wind : 3.19 mt/sec towards N
StationName : "RĂ„\u0081jgarh"
observed on 0 Mins Back
Rajgarh Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
12.0°C to 14.9°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds
12.0°C to 14.9°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds
10.7°C to 22.6°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
10.7°C to 22.6°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
10.2°C to 23.7°C
clear sky
10.2°C to 23.7°C
clear sky
11.4°C to 25.1°C
few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
11.4°C to 25.1°C
few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
12.0°C to 25.6°C
clear sky
12.0°C to 25.6°C
clear sky
Temples in Rajgarh
About Rajgarh District
Rajgarh District is one among 50 Districts of Madhya Pradesh State ,India. Rajgarh District Administrative head quarter is Rajgarh. It is is Located 129 KM South towards State capital Bhopal . Rajgarh District population is 1546541. It is 19 th Largest District in the State by population.Geography and Climate Rajgarh District
It is Located at Latitude-24.0, Longitude-76.7. Rajgarh District is sharing border with Shajapur District to the South , Jhalawar District to the North . It is sharing Border with Rajasthan State to the North . Rajgarh District occupies an area of approximately 6154 square kilometres. . Its in the 434 meters to 418 meters elevation range.This District belongs to Hindi Belt India .DemoGraphics of Rajgarh District
Hindi is the Local Language here. Rajgarh District is divided into 6 Tehsils , 636 Panchayats , 1519 Villages. Khilchipur Tehsil is the Smallest Tehsil by population with 149053 population. Narsinghgarh Tehsil is the Biggest Tehsil by population with 295189 population.Census 2011 of Rajgarh District
Rajgarh district Total population is 1546541 according to census 2011.Males are 791070 and Females are 755471 .Literate people are 1023192 among total.Its total area is 6154 sq.km. It is the 19 th largest district in the state by Population . But 26 th Largest District in the state By Area. 320 th Largest District in the Country By Population. 42 nd highest District in the State By literacy rate. 523 rd highest District in the Country By literacy rate.its literacy Rate is 62.68Politics in Rajgarh District
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in Rajgarh District.Assembly constituencies in Rajgarh District
Total 5 Assembly constituencies in Rajgarh District.Constituency name | MLA name | Party |
Narsinghgarh | Mohan Sharma | BJP |
Biaora | Narayan Singh Panwar | INC |
Rajgarh | Amar Singh Yadav | INC |
Khilchipur | Hajarilal Dangi | INC |
Sarangpur | Gotam Tetwal | BJP |
Parliament constituencies in Rajgarh District
Total 1 Parliament constituencies in Rajgarh District.Constituency name | MP name | Party |
Rajgarh | RODMAL NAGAR | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Rajgarh District Political Map
Rajgarh Commerce
Total Registered Comapnies with Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in Rajgarh are 71Company Name : SIDDHARTH TUBES LIMITED
Type Of Business : Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof)
Capital : 48.0 Crores
Company Name : HIND SYNTEX LTD.
Type Of Business : Manufacturing (Textiles)
Capital : 12.7186 Crores
Type Of Business : Manufacturing (Food stuffs)
Capital : 1.18602 Crores
Type Of Business : Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof)
Capital : 69.3 Lakhs
More Rajgarh Registered Companies
Rajgarh District Tourism
Rajgarh Transport
Road Transport
District Headquarters Rajgarh is well connected by road . Rajgarh , Sarangpur , Narsinghgarh are the Cities in this district having road connectivity to major towns and remote villages. Rajgarh is about 129 KM by road to Bhopal( Capital of Madhya Pradesh )Rail Transport
Some of the rail way stations in district are Biyavra Rajgarh , Pachor Road , Sarangpur , Parhana Mau , Udyan Kheri .... which connects most of the towns and villages in the District.Bus Transport
Pin Codes in Rajgarh District
( Rajgarh(Bia) ) ,
( Pachore ) ,
( Biaora ) ,
( Boda ) ,
( Chhapiheda ) ,
( Khilchipur ) ,
( Zeerapur ) ,
( Narsinghgarh ) ,
( Suthalia ) ,
( Talen ) ,
( Khujner ) ,
( Machalpur ) ,
( Kurawar (Rajgarh)) ,
( Sarangpur ) ,
( Pipliya Kulmi) ,
more PinCodes
Hotels in Rajgarh
Point View Hotel
MG Road, Near Khandala Point, Matheran - 410102, India
Contact No: 02148 - 230013
Price Range : Rs. 1800 - Rs. 2100
BusStops in Rajgarh Lakes in Rajgarh Temples in Rajgarh Shops in Rajgarh Rajgarh Hospitals Hotel/Restaurants in Rajgarh Rajgarh RailwayStations Rajgarh BusStops ATM in Rajgarh
Near Cities
Narsinghgarh 58 KM near
Sarangpur 61 KM near
Shujalpur 75 KM near
Raghogarh-Vijaypur 76 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Bhopal Airport 116 KM near
Indore Airport 190 KM near
Dabok Airport 328 KM near
Gwalior Airport 330 KM near
Near By Districts
Rajgarh 0 KM near
Shajapur 88 KM near
Jhalawar 95 KM near
Guna 103 KM near