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Head Quarters : Peren
Language : English and Khasi, Garo
Area: 2300 sq. km
Population :
Sex Ratio :
Density : / sq. km
Literacy :
Elevation / Altitude: - meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 01:48 AM
Date: Thursday , Oct 10,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 797XXX
Vehicle Registration Number:
RTO Office:
Language : English and Khasi, Garo
Area: 2300 sq. km
Population :
Sex Ratio :
Density : / sq. km
Literacy :
Elevation / Altitude: - meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 01:48 AM
Date: Thursday , Oct 10,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 797XXX
Vehicle Registration Number:
RTO Office:
Peren District Map
LOADING Peren District MAP with Borders and Tehsils ......
Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Peren District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Peren Live Weather
Temperature: 17.8 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 98%
Wind : 1.83 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "DimÄ\u0081pur"
observed on Now
Temperature: 17.8 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 98%
Wind : 1.83 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "DimÄ\u0081pur"
observed on Now
Peren Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
14.7°C to 14.7°C
scattered clouds
14.7°C to 14.7°C
scattered clouds
14.6°C to 23.0°C
scattered clouds, light rain, moderate rain, few clouds
14.6°C to 23.0°C
scattered clouds, light rain, moderate rain, few clouds
14.4°C to 26.2°C
few clouds, light rain, scattered clouds
14.4°C to 26.2°C
few clouds, light rain, scattered clouds
14.1°C to 25.1°C
few clouds, clear sky, light rain
14.1°C to 25.1°C
few clouds, clear sky, light rain
13.9°C to 24.9°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds, few clouds, clear sky
13.9°C to 24.9°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds, few clouds, clear sky
Temples in Peren
About Peren District
Peren District is one among 11 Districts of Nagaland State ,India. Peren District Administrative head quarter is Peren. It is is Located 217 KM west towards State capital Shillong . It is Biggest district in Nagaland State by population.Geography and Climate Peren District
It is Located at Latitude-25.5, Longitude-93.7. Peren District is sharing border with Dimapur District to the North . It is sharing Border with Nagaland State to the North . Peren District occupies an area of approximately 2300 square kilometres. . Its in the meters to meters elevation range.This District belongs to Eastern India .DemoGraphics of Peren District
English is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks Khasi, Garo . Peren District is divided into 3 Tehsils , Panchayats , 77 Villages.Census 2011 of Peren District
Peren district Total population is according to census 2011.Males are and Females are .Literate people are among total.Its total area is 2300 sq.km. It is the null th largest district in the state by Population . But 2 nd Largest District in the state By Area. null th Largest District in the Country By Population. null th highest District in the State By literacy rate. null th highest District in the Country By literacy rate.its literacy Rate isAssembly constituencies in Peren District
Parliament constituencies in Peren District
Peren District Political Map
Peren Commerce
Total Registered Comapnies with Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in Peren areCompany Name : GADI AGRO FORESTRY & MINING COMPANY PRIV ATE LIMITED
Type Of Business : Agriculture and Allied Activities
Capital : 1.0 Lakhs
More Peren Registered Companies
Peren District Tourism
Peren Transport
Road Transport
District Headquarters Peren is well connected by road . Peren is about 217 KM by road to Shillong( Capital of Nagaland )Rail Transport
Bus Transport
Hotels in Peren
Near Cities
Dimapur 44 KM near
Kohima 46 KM near
Diphu 55 KM near
Lumding 70 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Dimapur Airport 46 KM near
Imphal Municipal Airport 94 KM near
Kumbhirgram Airport 113 KM near
Rowriah Airport 160 KM near
Near By Districts
Peren 0 KM near
Senapati 44 KM near
Dimapur 46 KM near
Kohima 48 KM near