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List Of Villages in Machkhowa
Machkhowa Tehsil MAP
LOADING Machkhowa MAP ......
Language : Assamese
and Bengali, Bodo
Elevation / Altitude: 103 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Telephone Code / Std Code: 03758
Vehicle Registration Number:AS-22
RTO Office : Dhemaji
Assembly constituency : Dhemaji assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Ranoj Pegu
Lok Sabha constituency : Lakhimpur parliamentary constituency
Elevation / Altitude: 103 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Telephone Code / Std Code: 03758
Vehicle Registration Number:AS-22
RTO Office : Dhemaji
Assembly constituency : Dhemaji assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Ranoj Pegu
Lok Sabha constituency : Lakhimpur parliamentary constituency
Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Dhemaji District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
National Highways Reachable To Machkhowa
Nationa High Way :NH15 in Distance 24.0 KM ( old NH52B )
Nationa High Way :NH15 in Distance 24.0 KM ( old NH52B )
Rivers Near Machkhowa
Ranga Nadi in Distance 52.7
Ranganadi in Distance 54.4
Subansiri in Distance 27.2
Panyor in Distance 54.6
Dehing in Distance 46.2
STR7 in Distance 12.7
RIVER1 in Distance 3.4
Diju in Distance 54.6
Brahmaputra :ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ :ব্রহ্মপুত্র :Brahmaputra :Brahmaputra :ब्रह्मपुत्र :ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಪುತ್ರ :பிரம்மபுத்திரா :బ్రహ్మపుత్రా :Брахмапутра :雅鲁藏布江 in Distance 9.5
Dehing River in Distance 15.4
Dehing River in Distance 15.4
Dehing River in Distance 15.4
Puriperti in Distance 60.2
STR6 in Distance 0.3
Jaihinu in Distance 52.0
Ranga Nadi in Distance 52.7
Ranganadi in Distance 54.4
Subansiri in Distance 27.2
Panyor in Distance 54.6
Dehing in Distance 46.2
STR7 in Distance 12.7
RIVER1 in Distance 3.4
Diju in Distance 54.6
Brahmaputra :ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ :ব্রহ্মপুত্র :Brahmaputra :Brahmaputra :ब्रह्मपुत्र :ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಪುತ್ರ :பிரம்மபுத்திரா :బ్రహ్మపుత్రా :Брахмапутра :雅鲁藏布江 in Distance 9.5
Dehing River in Distance 15.4
Dehing River in Distance 15.4
Dehing River in Distance 15.4
Puriperti in Distance 60.2
STR6 in Distance 0.3
Jaihinu in Distance 52.0
About Machkhowa Tehsil
Machkhowa is a Tehsil in Dhemaji District of Assam State, India. Machkhowa Tehsil Head Quarters is Machkhowa town .Silapathar City , North Lakhimpur City , Dibrugarh City , Sibsagar City are the nearby Cities to Machkhowa.
It is in the 103 m elevation(altitude) .
Dibrugarh , Sibsagar (Sivasagar) , Majuli (Majoli) , Jorhat , Ziro are the near by Important tourist destinations to see.
Demographics of Machkhowa Tehsil
Assamese is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks Bengali, Bodo .Politics in Machkhowa Tehsil
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , 80.65% , 85690 , INC are the major political parties in this area.Machkhowa Tehsil comes under Dhemaji assembly constituency ,current sitting MLA is Ranoj Pegu contested and won from BJP party
Machkhowa Tehsil comes under Lakhimpur parliament constituency ,current sitting MP is PRADAN BARUAH
Machkhowa Tehsil Political Map
HOW TO REACH Machkhowa Tehsil
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Machkhowa Tehsil in less than 10 km.Pin codes of Machkhowa Tehsil
787058 ( Machkhowa ) , 787057 ( Dhemaji )Banks in Machkhowa
Colleges in Machkhowa
Simen Chapori College
Address :
Silapathar Commerce College
Address :
Government Higher Secondari School
Address :
Dimow Chariali/junior College
Address : Opposite To Weekly Market
schools in Machkhowa
Address : machkhowa
Hotels Near by Machkhowa
Shree Ram Hotel
Khelmati; North Lakhimpur; Assam; Pin code- 787001
Price Range : Rs. 600 - Rs. 1000
Anupam Hotel
N.T. rd;; North Lakhimpur; Assam; Pin code- 787001
Price Range : Rs. 400 - Rs. 600
Joya Hotel
N.T. rd; Ward No.9; North Lakhimpur; Assam; Pin code- 787001
Price Range : Rs. 400 - Rs. 400
Moonlight Hotel
N.T. rd; North Lakhimpur; Assam; Pin code- 787001
Price Range : Rs. 600 - Rs. 1000
Punjab & Asha Hotel
N.T. rd; North Lakhimpur; Assam; Pin code- 787001
Price Range : Rs. 400 - Rs. 600
Registered Companies in Machkhowa Tehsil
More Machkhowa Registered Companies
BusStation in Machkhowa
ATMs in Machkhowa
Cinema Theaters in Machkhowa
Temples in Machkhowa
Hotels and Lodges in Machkhowa
Hospitals in Machkhowa
Petrol Bunks in Machkhowa
Colleges in Machkhowa
Schools in Machkhowa
BusStops in Machkhowa Lakes in Machkhowa Temples in Machkhowa Shops in Machkhowa Machkhowa Hospitals Hotel/Restaurants in Machkhowa Machkhowa RailwayStations Machkhowa BusStops ATM in Machkhowa
Near By Cities
Silapathar 22 KM near
North Lakhimpur 30 KM near
Dibrugarh 42 KM near
Sibsagar 46 KM near
Silapathar 22 KM near
North Lakhimpur 30 KM near
Dibrugarh 42 KM near
Sibsagar 46 KM near
Near By Taluks
Machkhowa 0 KM near
Dhemaji 15 KM near
Ghilamara 16 KM near
Bordoloni 25 KM near
Machkhowa 0 KM near
Dhemaji 15 KM near
Ghilamara 16 KM near
Bordoloni 25 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Chabua Airport 52 KM near
Lilabari Airport 53 KM near
Rowriah Airport 87 KM near
Dimapur Airport 203 KM near
Chabua Airport 52 KM near
Lilabari Airport 53 KM near
Rowriah Airport 87 KM near
Dimapur Airport 203 KM near
Near By Districts
Dhemaji 15 KM near
Dibrugarh 44 KM near
Sivasagar 46 KM near
Lakhimpur 53 KM near
Dhemaji 15 KM near
Dibrugarh 44 KM near
Sivasagar 46 KM near
Lakhimpur 53 KM near
Near By Bus Station