School Name
Zphs Vadlamuru
Andhra Pradesh/ East Godavari/
Peddapuram/ Vadlamuru
vadlamuru , peddapuram , east godavari , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 533437 , Post - Peddapuram Town
Year Of EstablishMent
Zphs Vadlamuru is Telugu Medium School , Located in vadlamuru, peddapuram Block and east godavari District . it is Governement School . The exact Address of the schools is vadlamuru , peddapuram , east godavari , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 533437 , Post - Peddapuram Town . It is newly Established school . It is Established in 1997 Year . Total 15 batches completed in this School from past 15 years . Classes running in this is School are upto 10 th . And it is Co-educatinal School .
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Vidyanjali Public School
Address : vadlamuru , peddapuram , east godavari , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 533437 , Post - Peddapuram Town
Usha Public School
Address : vadlamuru , peddapuram , east godavari , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 533437 , Post - Peddapuram Town
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