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Navsarjan Vidyalay
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School Name Navsarjan Vidyalay
city/Village Gujarat/ Bhavnagar/ Ghogha/ Valukad
Address valukad , ghogha , bhavnagar , Gujarat . PIN- 364060 , Post - Vartej
Public/Private Private
Year Of EstablishMent 2005
Medium Gujarati Sanskrit
Navsarjan Vidyalay is Gujarati Sanskrit Medium School , Located in valukad, ghogha Block and bhavnagar District . it is Private School . The exact Address of the schools is valukad , ghogha , bhavnagar , Gujarat . PIN- 364060 , Post - Vartej . It is newly Established school . It is Established in 2005 Year . Total 7 batches completed in this School from past 7 years . Classes running in this is School are upto 12 th . And it is Co-educatinal School .

Other near by schools in this area

Andhariya Vad Pri. Sch.
Address : valukad , ghogha , bhavnagar , Gujarat . PIN- 364050 , Post - Bhandariya

Valkud P Girls School
Address : valukad , ghogha , bhavnagar , Gujarat . PIN- 364060 , Post - Vartej

Valkud K V School
Address : valukad , ghogha , bhavnagar , Gujarat . PIN- 364060 , Post - Vartej

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