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Maldah >>
No Drainage System Available in this Village. There is no system to Collect garbage on street. Drain water is discharged into sewer plant.
No Nearest National Highway in less than 10 km. No Nearest State Highway in less than 10 km. Nearest District Road is in 5 - 10 km.
Kuccha Road, Water ways and Foot Path are other Roads and Transportation within the village.
Gobindapur Village Details
Gobindapur is a Village in Manikchak Block , Maldah district and West Bengal State. Gobindapur village Pin code is 0. Gobindapur Village Total population is 1323 and number of houses are 272. Female Population is 46.7%. Village literacy rate is 54.3% and the Female Literacy rate is 22.5%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1323 |
Total No of Houses | 272 |
Female Population % | 46.7 % ( 618) |
Total Literacy rate % | 54.3 % ( 718) |
Female Literacy rate | 22.5 % ( 298) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 34.5 % ( 456) |
Working Population % | 42.0 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 221 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 43.0 % ( 95) |
Location and Administration
Gobindapur Total area is 114.28 hectares andTotal irrigated area is 52.69 hectaresEducation
School available in this Village. Nearest Govt Senior Secondary School is in Nurpur. Nearest Govt Pre Primary School and Govt Secondary School are in NA. Nearest Govt Pre Primary School and Govt Primary School are in Brahman. Nearest Govt Arts and Science Degree College is in Samsi. Nearest Govt Medical College and Govt MBA college are in Siliguri. Nearest Govt Disabled School, Private Engineering College, Govt Polytechnic College and Govt ITA College are in Malda.Health
Jute, Wheat and Rice are agriculture commodities grow in this village. 9 hours agricultural power supply in summer and 10 hours agricultural power supply in winter is available in this village. Total irrigated area in this village is 52.69 hectares from Boreholes/Tube wells 40.5 hectares is the Source of irrigation.Drinking-Water and Sanitation
Untreated Tap Water Supply all round the year and in summer available. Hand Pump is other Drinking Water sources.No Drainage System Available in this Village. There is no system to Collect garbage on street. Drain water is discharged into sewer plant.
LandLine available. No Mobile Coverage is available in this village and nearest Mobile Coverage Avilable in 5 - 10 km. Nearest Internet Centre is in 5 - 10 km. Nearest Private Courier Facility is in 5 - 10 km.Transportation
Nearest Public Bus service available in 5 - 10 km. There is no Railway Station in less than 10 km. Animal Driven Carts are there in this Village.No Nearest National Highway in less than 10 km. No Nearest State Highway in less than 10 km. Nearest District Road is in 5 - 10 km.
Kuccha Road, Water ways and Foot Path are other Roads and Transportation within the village.