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Maldah District Population
Maldah District Total population is 3988845. Rural Population is 3447185 and Urban population is 541660. Maldah District is in West Bengal State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3447185 | 1768336 | 1678849 |
Urban | 541660 | 283205 | 258455 |
Total | 3988845 | 2051541 | 1937304 |
List of sub districts in Maldah District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Harischandrapur - I | 199493 | 44284 |
Harischandrapur - II | 251345 | 49311 |
Chanchal - I | 204740 | 49273 |
Chanchal - II | 205333 | 43218 |
Ratua - I | 275388 | 56241 |
Ratua - II | 202080 | 43168 |
Gazole | 343830 | 75068 |
Bamangola | 143906 | 32154 |
Habibpur | 210699 | 47951 |
Maldah (Old) | 156365 | 33629 |
English Bazar | 274627 | 58815 |
Manikchak | 269813 | 59567 |
Kaliachak - I | 392517 | 80508 |
Kaliachak - II | 210105 | 44913 |
Kaliachak - III | 359071 | 69545 |