Deoghar >>
Sarsa Village Details
Sarsa is a Village in Palojori
Taluka , Deoghar district and Jharkhand State.
Sarsa village Pin code is NA. Sarsa Village Total population is 1476 and number of houses are 279.
Female Population is 48.1%. Village literacy rate is
51.2% and the Female Literacy rate is 19.4%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1476 |
Total No of Houses | 279 |
Female Population % | 48.1 % ( 710) |
Total Literacy rate % | 51.2 % ( 755) |
Female Literacy rate | 19.4 % ( 286) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 2.2 % ( 33) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 32.4 % ( 478) |
Working Population % | 39.0 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 230 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 45.7 % ( 105) |
Location and Administration
Sarsa Village Gram Panchayath name is
Sarsa is 50 km distance from Sub District HeadQuarter Madhupur
it is 67 km distance from District HeadQuarter Deoghar.
Nearest Statutory Town is
Deoghar in 67 km Distance
Sarsa Total area is 113.64 hectares, Forest area is 15.28 hectares, Non-Agricultural area is 36.37 hectares,Total irrigated area is 2.35 hectares andTotal Water fall area is 0 hectares
School available in this Village.
Nearest Private Engineering College and Private MBA college are in
Total irrigated area in this village is 2.35 hectares
from Boreholes/Tube wells 1.02 hectares and from Lakes or tanks 1.33 hectares
are the Sources of irrigation.
Drinking-Water and Sanitation
Treated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer also
Untreated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer
There is no Public Bus service in less than 10 km.
No Nearest National Highway in less than 10 km.
No Nearest State Highway in less than 10 km.
No Nearest District Road in less than 10 km.
ATM available in this village.
No ATM in less than 10 km.
No Commercial Bank in less than 10 km.
Other Amenities
ASHA is the other amenities in the village.