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Deoghar District Population
Deoghar District Total population is 1492073. Rural Population is 1233712 and Urban population is 258361. Deoghar District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1233712 | 638136 | 595576 |
Urban | 258361 | 136886 | 121475 |
Total | 1492073 | 775022 | 717051 |
List of sub districts in Deoghar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Deoghar | 346089 | 63373 |
Mohanpur | 175845 | 32637 |
Sarwan | 90757 | 16136 |
Sona Rai Tharhi | 76116 | 13151 |
Devipur | 107015 | 18697 |
Madhupur | 190748 | 33270 |
Margo Munda | 86733 | 13516 |
Karon | 88251 | 14841 |
Sarath | 169238 | 29470 |
Palojori | 161281 | 29256 |