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Solapur District Population
Solapur District Total population is 4317756. Rural Population is 2918665 and Urban population is 1399091. Solapur District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2918665 | 1518343 | 1400322 |
Urban | 1399091 | 709509 | 689582 |
Total | 4317756 | 2227852 | 2089904 |
List of sub districts in Solapur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Karmala | 254489 | 53719 |
Madha | 324027 | 66795 |
Barshi | 372711 | 79969 |
Solapur North | 1057352 | 209953 |
Mohol | 276920 | 56836 |
Pandharpur | 442368 | 88637 |
Malshiras | 485645 | 99572 |
Sangole | 322845 | 64708 |
Mangalvedhe | 205932 | 41774 |
Solapur South | 260897 | 51230 |
Akkalkot | 314570 | 59974 |