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Panna District Population
Panna District Total population is 1016520. Rural Population is 891185 and Urban population is 125335. Panna District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 891185 | 467473 | 423712 |
Urban | 125335 | 66007 | 59328 |
Total | 1016520 | 533480 | 483040 |
List of sub districts in Panna District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ajaigarh | 170457 | 38133 |
Panna | 156297 | 33170 |
Devendranagar | 88721 | 19045 |
Gunnor | 133513 | 29621 |
Amanganj | 114702 | 25788 |
Pawai | 167578 | 38833 |
Shahnagar | 107623 | 24435 |
Raipura | 77629 | 19684 |