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Murshidabad District Population
Murshidabad District Total population is 7103807. Rural Population is 5703115 and Urban population is 1400692. Murshidabad District is in West Bengal State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 5703115 | 2917822 | 2785293 |
Urban | 1400692 | 709742 | 690950 |
Total | 7103807 | 3627564 | 3476243 |
List of sub districts in Murshidabad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Farakka | 274111 | 54005 |
Samserganj | 284072 | 51412 |
Suti - I | 179908 | 36628 |
Suti - II | 278922 | 53619 |
Raghunathganj - I | 195627 | 39021 |
Raghunathganj - II | 265336 | 50129 |
Lalgola | 335831 | 70216 |
Sagardighi | 310461 | 67889 |
Bhagawangola - I | 202071 | 45336 |
Bhagawangola - II | 158024 | 37445 |
Raninagar - II | 190885 | 44505 |
Jalangi | 252477 | 60928 |
Domkal | 363976 | 88520 |
Raninagar - I | 189105 | 45147 |
Murshidabad Jiaganj | 234565 | 54029 |
Nabagram | 227586 | 52954 |
Khargram | 273332 | 65580 |
Kandi | 220145 | 48963 |
Berhampore | 446887 | 105958 |
Hariharpara | 257571 | 62609 |
Nawda | 226859 | 53962 |
Beldanga - I | 319322 | 68499 |
Beldanga - II | 250458 | 55268 |
Bharatpur - II | 176368 | 39832 |
Bharatpur - I | 172702 | 40102 |
Burwan | 257466 | 60732 |