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Madhubani District Population
Madhubani District Total population is 4487379. Rural Population is 4325884 and Urban population is 161495. Madhubani District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 4325884 | 2244287 | 2081597 |
Urban | 161495 | 85026 | 76469 |
Total | 4487379 | 2329313 | 2158066 |
List of sub districts in Madhubani District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Madhwapur | 134704 | 27691 |
Harlakhi | 196251 | 37312 |
Basopatti | 173499 | 33355 |
Jainagar | 193700 | 38087 |
Ladania | 175561 | 33560 |
Laukaha | 212127 | 40375 |
Laukahi | 208317 | 42295 |
Phulparas | 166018 | 32889 |
Babubarhi | 217331 | 43523 |
Khajauli | 143583 | 28729 |
Kaluahi | 117282 | 22909 |
Benipatti | 361400 | 70277 |
Bisfi | 320704 | 65251 |
Madhubani | 323592 | 62172 |
Pandaul | 270642 | 54966 |
Rajnagar | 246933 | 51850 |
Andhratharhi | 191680 | 38475 |
Jhanjharpur | 205520 | 42711 |
Ghoghardiha | 193088 | 36741 |
Lakhnaur | 167841 | 36887 |
Madhepur | 267606 | 58460 |