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Katni District Population
Katni District Total population is 1292042. Rural Population is 1028499 and Urban population is 263543. Katni District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1028499 | 525188 | 503311 |
Urban | 263543 | 136825 | 126718 |
Total | 1292042 | 662013 | 630029 |
List of sub districts in Katni District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Murwara | 369519 | 79183 |
Rithi | 127211 | 28937 |
Barhi | 103512 | 23344 |
Badwara | 104196 | 23463 |
Vijayraghavgarh | 210861 | 46801 |
Bahoriband | 198914 | 45738 |
Dhimarkheda | 177829 | 42085 |