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Kachchh District Population
Kachchh District Total population is 2092371. Rural Population is 1363836 and Urban population is 728535. Kachchh District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1363836 | 713524 | 650312 |
Urban | 728535 | 383213 | 345322 |
Total | 2092371 | 1096737 | 995634 |
List of sub districts in Kachchh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Lakhpat | 62552 | 12155 |
Rapar | 217315 | 42369 |
Bhachau | 186035 | 41393 |
Anjar | 235537 | 51938 |
Bhuj | 443269 | 96646 |
Nakhatrana | 146367 | 28608 |
Abdasa | 117538 | 24070 |
Mandvi | 203373 | 41854 |
Mundra | 153219 | 35192 |
Gandhidham | 327166 | 71447 |