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Jodhpur District Population
Jodhpur District Total population is 3687165. Rural Population is 2422551 and Urban population is 1264614. Jodhpur District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2422551 | 1260328 | 1162223 |
Urban | 1264614 | 663600 | 601014 |
Total | 3687165 | 1923928 | 1763237 |
List of sub districts in Jodhpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Phalodi | 564560 | 93489 |
Osian | 465257 | 75643 |
Bhopalgarh | 320952 | 58361 |
Jodhpur | 1378224 | 253102 |
Shergarh | 452134 | 75925 |
Luni | 221979 | 37897 |
Bilara | 284059 | 54596 |