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Fatehgarh Sahib District Population
Fatehgarh Sahib District Total population is 600163. Rural Population is 414681 and Urban population is 185482. Fatehgarh Sahib District is in Punjab State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 414681 | 220050 | 194631 |
Urban | 185482 | 100745 | 84737 |
Total | 600163 | 320795 | 279368 |
List of sub districts in Fatehgarh Sahib District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bassi Pathana | 96163 | 18558 |
Fatehgarh Sahib | 202334 | 39387 |
Amloh | 210628 | 42832 |
Khamanon | 91038 | 17323 |