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Barmer District Population
Barmer District Total population is 2603751. Rural Population is 2421914 and Urban population is 181837. Barmer District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2421914 | 1273249 | 1148665 |
Urban | 181837 | 95773 | 86064 |
Total | 2603751 | 1369022 | 1234729 |
List of sub districts in Barmer District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sheo | 237080 | 40420 |
Baytoo | 253350 | 46075 |
Pachpadra | 422784 | 73167 |
Siwana | 272560 | 46487 |
Gudha Malani | 453911 | 77803 |
Barmer | 370721 | 65676 |
Ramsar | 108001 | 18717 |
Chohtan | 485344 | 83284 |