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Agra District Population
Agra District Total population is 4418797. Rural Population is 2394602 and Urban population is 2024195. Agra District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2394602 | 1285184 | 1109418 |
Urban | 2024195 | 1079769 | 944426 |
Total | 4418797 | 2364953 | 2053844 |
List of sub districts in Agra District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Etmadpur | 367441 | 59287 |
Agra | 2186655 | 364604 |
Kiraoli | 506777 | 78901 |
Kheragarh | 466809 | 69272 |
Fatehabad | 460592 | 69586 |
Bah | 430523 | 68916 |