School Name
P.s. Parsauni Baij
Bihar/ Sheohar/
parsauni , piprarhi , sheohar , Bihar . PIN- 843329 , Post - Sheohar
Year Of EstablishMent
P.s. Parsauni Baij is Hindi Medium School , Located in parsauni, piprarhi Block and sheohar District . it is Governement School . The exact Address of the schools is parsauni , piprarhi , sheohar , Bihar . PIN- 843329 , Post - Sheohar . It is one of the Old School in this area . It is Established in 1949 Year . Total 63 batches completed in this School from past 63 years . Classes running in this is School are upto 8 th . And it is Co-educatinal School .
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P.s. Hariharpur New
Address : parsauni , piprarhi , sheohar , Bihar . PIN- 843329 , Post - Sheohar
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