Paschim Medinipur >>
Binpur - I
Banshkona Village Details
Banshkona is a Village in Binpur - I
Block , Medinipur West district and West Bengal State.
Banshkona village Pin code is 721516. Banshkona Village Total population is and number of houses are .
Female Population is -1.0%. Village literacy rate is
-1.0% and the Female Literacy rate is -1.0%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | |
Total No of Houses | |
Female Population % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Total Literacy rate % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Female Literacy rate | -1.0 % ( ) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Working Population % | -1.0 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | -1.0 % ( ) |
Location and Administration
Banshkona Total area is 16 hectares, Non-Agricultural area is 2 hectares andTotal irrigated area is 16 hectares
School available in this Village.
NA Medical Shop
available in this village.
Paddy, Potato and Vegetable are agriculture
commodities grow in this village.
Total irrigated area in this village is 16 hectares
from canals 7 hectares and from Boreholes/Tube wells 6 hectares
are the Sources of irrigation.
Drinking-Water and Sanitation
Treated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer also
Untreated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer
There is system to Collect garbage on street.
Drain water is discharged into sewer plant.
No Mobile Coverage is available in this village
Weekly Haat/santha is available in this village.
Other Amenities