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Jalgaon >> Yawal

Kasve Village Details

Kasve is a Village in Yawal Sub-Division , Jalgaon district and Maharashtra State. Kasve village Pin code is NA. Kasve Village Total population is 1809 and number of houses are 398. Female Population is 48.2%. Village literacy rate is 70.4% and the Female Literacy rate is 30.3%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 1809
Total No of Houses 398
Female Population % 48.2 % ( 872)
Total Literacy rate % 70.4 % ( 1273)
Female Literacy rate 30.3 % ( 549)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 55.2 % ( 999)
Scheduled Caste Population % 5.0 % ( 90)
Working Population % 37.1 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 239
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 46.0 % ( 110)

Location and Administration

Kasve is 19 km distance from Sub District HeadQuarter Yawal and it is 39 km distance from District HeadQuarter Jalgaon. Nearest Statutory Town is Bhusaval in 6 km Distance . Kasve Total area is 530.1 hectares, Non-Agricultural area is 23.86 hectares andTotal irrigated area is 400.1 hectares


Governement Pre Primary, Govt Primary and Govt Middle Schools are available in this Village. Nearest Govt Secondary School is in Duskheda. Nearest Govt Senior Secondary School, Govt Arts and Science Degree College and Govt Engineering College are in Bhusawal. Nearest Private Polytechnic College and Private ITA College are in Faizpur. Nearest Govt Disabled School, Govt Medical College and Govt MBA college are in Jalgaon.



12 hours agricultural power supply in summer and 12 hours agricultural power supply in winter is available in this village. Total irrigated area in this village is 400.1 hectares from Boreholes/Tube wells 65 hectares is the Source of irrigation.

Drinking-Water and Sanitation

Untreated Tap Water Supply all round the year and in summer available. UnCovered Well and Tube Wells/Boreholes are other Drinking Water sources.
Open Drainage System Available in this Village. This Village Covered Under Total Sanitation. House to House watse Collection available. There is system to Collect garbage on street. Drain water is discharged directly into water bodies.


LandLine available. Mobile Coverage is available. Nearest Internet Centre is in 5 - 10 km. Nearest Private Courier Facility is in 5 - 10 km.


Public Bus service available in this village. Nearest Railway Station is in less than 5 km. Autos Available in this Village.

Nearest National Highway is in 5 - 10 km. Nearest State Highway is in 5 - 10 km. Nearest District Road is in 5 - 10 km.
Pucca road, Kuccha Road, Macadam Road and Foot Path are other Roads and Transportation within the village.


Nearest ATM is in 5 - 10 km. Nearest Commercial Bank is in 5 - 10 km. Nearest Cooperative Bank is in 5 - 10 km. Agricultural Credit Society and Agricultural Marketing Society are available in this village.

Other Amenities

This Village has a Power supply with 18 hour power supply in summer and 20 hour power supply in winter, Anganwadi centre, ASHA and Birth & Death registration office are the other amenities in the village.

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