Dakshin Dinajpur >>
Mathurapur Village Details
Mathurapur is a Village in Balurghat
Block , Dinajpur Dakshin district and West Bengal State.
Mathurapur village Pin code is 733145. Mathurapur Village Total population is 151 and number of houses are 36.
Female Population is 47.0%. Village literacy rate is
67.5% and the Female Literacy rate is 28.5%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 151 |
Total No of Houses | 36 |
Female Population % | 47.0 % ( 71) |
Total Literacy rate % | 67.5 % ( 102) |
Female Literacy rate | 28.5 % ( 43) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 97.4 % ( 147) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 2.6 % ( 4) |
Working Population % | 57.0 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 17 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 35.3 % ( 6) |
Location and Administration
Mathurapur Total area is 48.6 hectares, Non-Agricultural area is 6 hectares andTotal irrigated area is 25.3 hectares
Governement Pre Primary and Govt Primary
Schools are available in this Village.
NA Comunity Health care centre
NA Primary Health care centre
NA Primary Health Sub-Centre
NA Maternity And Child Welfare centre
NA TB Clinic
NA Modern Hospital
NA Alternative Medicine Clinic
NA Veterinary Hospital
NA Mobile Health centre
NA Family Welfare centre
NA MBBS Doctor Practice
NA RMP doctor
NA Faith Healer
NA Medical Shop
are available in this village.
Paddy is agriculture
commodities grow in this village.
Total irrigated area in this village is 25.3 hectares
from canals 0.5 hectares, from Boreholes/Tube wells 14 hectares and from Lakes or tanks 0.8 hectares
are the Sources of irrigation.
Drinking-Water and Sanitation
Treated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer also
Untreated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer
Tube Wells/Boreholes is other Drinking Water sources.
No Drainage System
Available in this Village.
There is system to Collect garbage on street.
Drain water is discharged into sewer plant.
Mobile Coverage is available.
Nearest Internet Centre is in 5 - 10 km.
Nearest Private Courier Facility is in 5 - 10 km.
Nearest Bus service available in less than 5 km.
There is no Railway Station in less than 10 km.
Man pulled Cycle Rickshaws Available in this Village.
Other Amenities
This Village has a Power supply
with 18 hour power supply in summer and
18 hour power supply in winter,