Bharatpur >>
Topraki Village Details
Topraki is a Village in Kaman
Tehsil , Bharatpur district and Rajasthan State.
Topraki village Pin code is NA. Topraki Village Total population is and number of houses are .
Female Population is -1.0%. Village literacy rate is
-1.0% and the Female Literacy rate is -1.0%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | |
Total No of Houses | |
Female Population % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Total Literacy rate % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Female Literacy rate | -1.0 % ( ) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | -1.0 % ( ) |
Working Population % | -1.0 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | -1.0 % ( ) |
Location and Administration
Topraki is 10 km distance from Sub District HeadQuarter Kaman
it is 50 km distance from District HeadQuarter Bharatpur.
Nearest Statutory Town is
Kaman in 10 km Distance
Topraki Total area is 193 hectares, Forest area is 58 hectares, Non-Agricultural area is 24 hectares andTotal Water fall area is 0 hectares
School available in this Village.
NA Comunity Health care centre
NA Primary Health care centre
NA Primary Health Sub-Centre
NA Maternity And Child Welfare centre
NA TB Clinic
NA Modern Hospital
NA Alternative Medicine Clinic
NA Veterinary Hospital
NA Mobile Health centre
NA Family Welfare centre
NA MBBS Doctor Practice
NA RMP doctor
NA Faith Healer
NA Medical Shop
are available in this village.
Drinking-Water and Sanitation
Treated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer also
Untreated Tap Water Supply
all round the year
and in summer
Other Amenities