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West Godavari
Pentapadu Mandal Population
Pentapadu Mandal in West Godavari District and Andhra Pradesh State Total population is 70458. Rural Population is 70458 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 70458 | 35349 | 35109 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 70458 | 35349 | 35109 |
List of Vilages in Pentapadu Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Pentapadu | 12889 | 3631 |
Alampuram | 5751 | 1749 |
Padamara Vipparru | 5403 | 1589 |
Prathipadu | 5080 | 1411 |
Darsiparru (R) | 4330 | 1184 |
Jatlapalem | 4304 | 1302 |
Meena Valluru | 4137 | 1189 |
Ravipadu | 3395 | 1047 |
Kaspapentapadu | 3326 | 987 |
Parimella | 2728 | 779 |
B.Kondepadu | 2686 | 853 |
Mudunuru | 2538 | 781 |
Vallurupalle | 2499 | 702 |
Racharla | 2450 | 753 |
Akuteegapadu | 2124 | 585 |
Korumilli | 1452 | 518 |
Chintapalle | 1297 | 358 |
Umamaheswaram | 1198 | 410 |
Bodapadu | 1197 | 349 |
Yanalapalle | 1156 | 286 |
Devaracheruvukhandrika | 518 | 149 |
Narasimha Apparaopuram |