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Krishnarayapuram Taluka Population
Krishnarayapuram Taluka in Karur District and Tamil Nadu State Total population is 119213. Rural Population is 100937 and Urban population is 18276.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 100937 | 50358 | 50579 |
Urban | 18276 | 9057 | 9219 |
Total | 119213 | 59415 | 59798 |
List of Vilages in Krishnarayapuram Taluka and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Chinthalavadi | 10325 | 2708 |
Sivayam (North) | 7340 | 1848 |
Thirukkampuliyur | 6487 | 1708 |
Kallapalli | 6043 | 1576 |
Karuppathur | 5968 | 1558 |
Balarajapuram | 5720 | 1637 |
Mahadhanapuram(North) | 5396 | 1409 |
Pappakkapatti | 5354 | 1303 |
Pothuravuthanpatti | 5263 | 1233 |
Pillapalayam | 4671 | 1206 |
Mayanur | 4574 | 1240 |
Panjapatti | 4278 | 1093 |
Vayalur | 3899 | 1041 |
Sengal | 3849 | 1020 |
Sithalavai | 3706 | 1004 |
Veeriyapalayam | 3530 | 908 |
Renganathapuram (North) | 3070 | 903 |
Manavasi | 2963 | 812 |
Sivayam (South) | 2559 | 500 |
Renganathapuram (South) | 2412 | 684 |
Kammanallur | 2121 | 576 |
Muthurengampatti | 1409 | 350 |