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Kadavur Taluka Population
Kadavur Taluka in Karur District and Tamil Nadu State Total population is 109839. Rural Population is 109839 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 109839 | 54793 | 55046 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 109839 | 54793 | 55046 |
List of Vilages in Kadavur Taluka and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
D.Edayapatti | 14145 | 3112 |
Kosur | 7638 | 1710 |
Keelappaguthi | 7483 | 1729 |
Palaviduthi | 7420 | 1693 |
Mavathur | 6706 | 1573 |
Sembianatham | 5766 | 1364 |
Keeranur | 5469 | 1244 |
Melappaguthi | 5275 | 1304 |
Varavanai | 4985 | 1261 |
Thondamanginam | 4948 | 1091 |
Mullippadi | 4854 | 1167 |
Manjanaickenpatti | 4637 | 1205 |
Thennilai | 4323 | 1174 |
Devarmalai | 4184 | 993 |
Vellapatti | 3854 | 962 |
Pannapatti | 3680 | 935 |
Adhanur | 3526 | 885 |
Vadavambadi | 2752 | 656 |
Mathagiri | 2613 | 559 |
Kalayapatti | 2075 | 488 |
Valvarmangalam | 2074 | 471 |
Pappayambadi | 1432 | 342 |