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Zunheboto District Population
Zunheboto District Total population is 140757. Rural Population is 113160 and Urban population is 27597. Zunheboto District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 113160 | 56786 | 56374 |
Urban | 27597 | 14431 | 13166 |
Total | 140757 | 71217 | 69540 |
List of sub districts in Zunheboto District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
V.K. | 3931 | 852 |
Akuluto | 6612 | 1423 |
Suruhuto | 13957 | 2782 |
Asuto | 7598 | 1546 |
Aghunato | 18350 | 3496 |
Zunheboto Sadar | 35977 | 6703 |
Atoizu | 8740 | 1731 |
Akuhaito | 3876 | 734 |
Pughoboto | 8943 | 1931 |
Ghathashi | 7967 | 1658 |
Satakha | 15103 | 2984 |
Saptiqa | 5163 | 1034 |
Satoi | 4540 | 961 |