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Wokha District Population
Wokha District Total population is 166343. Rural Population is 131339 and Urban population is 35004. Wokha District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 131339 | 66435 | 64904 |
Urban | 35004 | 18070 | 16934 |
Total | 166343 | 84505 | 81838 |
List of sub districts in Wokha District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Changpang | 5397 | 1247 |
Aitepyong | 16194 | 2800 |
Bhandari | 17124 | 3739 |
Baghty | 2697 | 552 |
Sungro | 13046 | 2292 |
Sanis | 7155 | 1300 |
Lotsu | 6338 | 1203 |
Ralan | 8627 | 2061 |
Wozhuro | 8680 | 1734 |
Wokha Sadar | 58186 | 10878 |
Englan | 12856 | 2220 |
Chukitong | 10043 | 1865 |