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District Population
District Total population is 383461. Rural Population is 340356 and Urban population is 43105. District is in State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 340356 | 172380 | 167976 |
Urban | 43105 | 21335 | 21770 |
Total | 383461 | 193715 | 189746 |
List of sub districts in District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mawshynrut | 74490 | 12830 |
Nongstoin | 81840 | 13404 |
Mawthadraishan | 49014 | 8066 |
Mairang | 82437 | 14124 |
Ranikor | 41218 | 7453 |
Mawkyrwat | 54462 | 9029 |