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West Kameng District Population
West Kameng District Total population is 83947. Rural Population is 68015 and Urban population is 15932. West Kameng District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 68015 | 37809 | 30206 |
Urban | 15932 | 8346 | 7586 |
Total | 83947 | 46155 | 37792 |
List of sub districts in West Kameng District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dirang | 18401 | 4144 |
Thembang | 1334 | 309 |
Nafra | 7403 | 1394 |
Bomdila | 9792 | 2509 |
Kalaktang | 6622 | 1529 |
Shergaon | 3077 | 771 |
Rupa | 6749 | 1615 |
Singchung | 14534 | 2815 |
Jamiri | 4998 | 805 |
Thrizino | 4863 | 837 |
Bhalukpong | 5042 | 1129 |
Kamengbari-Doimara | 316 | 82 |
Balemu | 816 | 220 |