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Washim District Population
Washim District Total population is 1197160. Rural Population is 985747 and Urban population is 211413. Washim District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 985747 | 511727 | 474020 |
Urban | 211413 | 108575 | 102838 |
Total | 1197160 | 620302 | 576858 |
List of sub districts in Washim District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Malegaon | 189051 | 41289 |
Mangrulpir | 175208 | 38162 |
Karanja | 213824 | 47633 |
Manora | 156344 | 35502 |
Washim | 255188 | 53601 |
Risod | 207545 | 43277 |