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Wardha District Population
Wardha District Total population is 1300774. Rural Population is 877474 and Urban population is 423300. Wardha District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 877474 | 451874 | 425600 |
Urban | 423300 | 216511 | 206789 |
Total | 1300774 | 668385 | 632389 |
List of sub districts in Wardha District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ashti | 76276 | 18242 |
Karanja | 90462 | 21670 |
Arvi | 145981 | 34805 |
Seloo | 129647 | 30827 |
Wardha | 357476 | 84075 |
Deoli | 159877 | 38525 |
Hinganghat | 224017 | 53349 |
Samudrapur | 117038 | 28353 |