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Vidisha District Population
Vidisha District Total population is 1458875. Rural Population is 1119257 and Urban population is 339618. Vidisha District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1119257 | 591962 | 527295 |
Urban | 339618 | 177606 | 162012 |
Total | 1458875 | 769568 | 689307 |
List of sub districts in Vidisha District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Lateri | 143637 | 31048 |
Sironj | 234580 | 44733 |
Kurwai | 158909 | 33233 |
Basoda | 216109 | 44142 |
Tyonda | 69136 | 14446 |
Nateran | 82718 | 17209 |
Shamshabad | 108498 | 21448 |
Gyaraspur | 69107 | 15345 |
Gulabganj | 54164 | 11850 |
Vidisha | 322017 | 66222 |