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Vellore District Population
Vellore District Total population is 3936331. Rural Population is 2234344 and Urban population is 1701987. Vellore District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2234344 | 1117101 | 1117243 |
Urban | 1701987 | 844587 | 857400 |
Total | 3936331 | 1961688 | 1974643 |
List of sub districts in Vellore District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Gudiyatham | 425353 | 98233 |
Katpadi | 391100 | 92407 |
Wallajah | 444758 | 105092 |
Arakonam | 504026 | 122251 |
Arcot | 250517 | 61730 |
Vellore | 696110 | 166169 |
VANIYAMBADI | 336548 | 77178 |
Ambur | 326211 | 74239 |
Tirupathur | 561708 | 131982 |