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Valsad District Population
Valsad District Total population is 1705678. Rural Population is 1070177 and Urban population is 635501. Valsad District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1070177 | 542644 | 527533 |
Urban | 635501 | 344578 | 290923 |
Total | 1705678 | 887222 | 818456 |
List of sub districts in Valsad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Valsad | 415140 | 93797 |
Dharampur | 215872 | 41496 |
Pardi | 518814 | 120933 |
Kaprada | 258888 | 44972 |
Umbergaon | 296964 | 63205 |