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Vaishali District Population
Vaishali District Total population is 3495021. Rural Population is 3261942 and Urban population is 233079. Vaishali District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3261942 | 1721221 | 1540721 |
Urban | 233079 | 123314 | 109765 |
Total | 3495021 | 1844535 | 1650486 |
List of sub districts in Vaishali District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Vaishali | 187486 | 34704 |
Paterhi Belsar | 95669 | 18450 |
Lalganj | 265384 | 48019 |
Bhagwanpur | 207762 | 38172 |
Goraul | 177586 | 33266 |
Chehra Kalan | 131004 | 22366 |
Patepur | 370182 | 69796 |
Mahua | 284526 | 50323 |
Jandaha | 276217 | 50682 |
Raja Pakar | 158130 | 28516 |
Hajipur | 443976 | 74900 |
Raghopur | 232909 | 40183 |
Bidupur | 268849 | 45287 |
Desri | 87606 | 15450 |
Sahdai Buzurg | 127396 | 23958 |
Mahnar | 180339 | 32015 |