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Upper Subansiri District Population
Upper Subansiri District Total population is 83448. Rural Population is 70043 and Urban population is 13405. Upper Subansiri District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 70043 | 34840 | 35203 |
Urban | 13405 | 6918 | 6487 |
Total | 83448 | 41758 | 41690 |
List of sub districts in Upper Subansiri District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Taksing | 1295 | 222 |
Limeking | 1683 | 318 |
Nacho | 5151 | 1045 |
Siyum | 6866 | 1278 |
Taliha | 13299 | 2707 |
Payeng | 2246 | 464 |
Giba | 5013 | 871 |
Chetam (Peer Yapu) | 6603 | 1135 |
Daporijo | 19699 | 3866 |
Puchi Geko | 4418 | 820 |
Dumporijo | 4907 | 928 |
Gussar | 4017 | 863 |
Gite-Ripa | 2623 | 416 |
Baririjo | 2475 | 391 |
Maro | 3153 | 545 |