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Upper Siang District Population
Upper Siang District Total population is 35320. Rural Population is 28780 and Urban population is 6540. Upper Siang District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 28780 | 15335 | 13445 |
Urban | 6540 | 3364 | 3176 |
Total | 35320 | 18699 | 16621 |
List of sub districts in Upper Siang District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tuting | 5207 | 905 |
Migging | 857 | 218 |
Palling | 613 | 124 |
Gelling | 780 | 176 |
Singa | 988 | 157 |
Yingkiong | 8573 | 2062 |
Jengging | 3293 | 868 |
Geku | 4445 | 873 |
Mariyang | 6260 | 1161 |
Mopom ( Adipasi ) | 1360 | 226 |
Katan | 2944 | 554 |