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Ujjain District Population
Ujjain District Total population is 1986864. Rural Population is 1207651 and Urban population is 779213. Ujjain District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1207651 | 616353 | 591298 |
Urban | 779213 | 399936 | 379277 |
Total | 1986864 | 1016289 | 970575 |
List of sub districts in Ujjain District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Khacharod | 161270 | 31421 |
Nagda | 237996 | 47494 |
Mahidpur | 259299 | 51696 |
Ghatiya | 138861 | 27553 |
Tarana | 247299 | 51378 |
Ujjain | 672566 | 131663 |
Badnagar | 269573 | 50233 |