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Udaipur District Population
Udaipur District Total population is 3068420. Rural Population is 2459994 and Urban population is 608426. Udaipur District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2459994 | 1251316 | 1208678 |
Urban | 608426 | 315485 | 292941 |
Total | 3068420 | 1566801 | 1501619 |
List of sub districts in Udaipur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mavli | 253344 | 51890 |
Gogunda | 214948 | 44340 |
Kotra | 230532 | 41790 |
Jhadol | 249297 | 51655 |
Girwa | 898133 | 186254 |
Vallabhnagar | 271679 | 56959 |
Lasadiya | 91229 | 18864 |
Salumbar | 248337 | 50813 |
Sarada | 231209 | 47845 |
Rishabhdeo | 172935 | 32771 |
Kherwara | 206777 | 40350 |