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Tonk District Population
Tonk District Total population is 1421326. Rural Population is 1103603 and Urban population is 317723. Tonk District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1103603 | 568045 | 535558 |
Urban | 317723 | 160091 | 157632 |
Total | 1421326 | 728136 | 693190 |
List of sub districts in Tonk District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Malpura | 240909 | 45047 |
Peeplu | 117644 | 21913 |
Niwai | 245787 | 43146 |
Tonk | 286808 | 52585 |
Todaraisingh | 146870 | 27639 |
Deoli | 214408 | 43632 |
Uniara | 168900 | 32908 |