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Tikamgarh District Population
Tikamgarh District Total population is 1445166. Rural Population is 1195293 and Urban population is 249873. Tikamgarh District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1195293 | 629477 | 565816 |
Urban | 249873 | 130878 | 118995 |
Total | 1445166 | 760355 | 684811 |
List of sub districts in Tikamgarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Niwari | 167893 | 34088 |
Orchha | 47358 | 9625 |
Prithvipur | 189556 | 39787 |
Jatara | 198490 | 40754 |
Mohangarh | 88631 | 19268 |
Palera | 213540 | 41616 |
Baldeogarh | 123125 | 26901 |
Khargapur | 114859 | 24313 |
Tikamgarh | 301714 | 59764 |