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Thiruvarur District Population
Thiruvarur District Total population is 1264277. Rural Population is 1006482 and Urban population is 257795. Thiruvarur District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1006482 | 499954 | 506528 |
Urban | 257795 | 126739 | 131056 |
Total | 1264277 | 626693 | 637584 |
List of sub districts in Thiruvarur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Valangaiman | 100645 | 25114 |
Kodavasal | 203157 | 52370 |
Nannilam | 137964 | 35102 |
Thiruvarur | 151696 | 39243 |
Needamangalam | 147440 | 37256 |
Mannargudi | 308380 | 80740 |
Thiruthuraipoondi | 214995 | 57394 |