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Thiruvallur District Population
Thiruvallur District Total population is 3728104. Rural Population is 1299709 and Urban population is 2428395. Thiruvallur District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1299709 | 650462 | 649247 |
Urban | 2428395 | 1225600 | 1202795 |
Total | 3728104 | 1876062 | 1852042 |
List of sub districts in Thiruvallur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Gummidipoondi | 190541 | 50144 |
Ponneri | 389862 | 100866 |
Uthukkottai | 152631 | 40313 |
Tiruttani | 211291 | 52490 |
Pallipattu | 214073 | 49317 |
Thiruvallur | 407048 | 103241 |
Poonamallee | 659922 | 168063 |
Ambattur | 906580 | 231525 |
Mathavaram | 596156 | 150990 |